If you have ever had a unique design, idea, or product then you likely understand the importance of intellectual property issues. Finding a patent lawyer in Denver or a trademark lawyer in your specific part of the country is essential if you want to successfully protect what is yours. In the sate of Colorado, for instance, intellectual property issues may be even more important as the entire state adjusts to legalized marijuana. And while this one issue will never be the only concern, it is important to realize that the beginning of a new market is an especially important time to make sure that you are looking out for your own best interest.
Trying to get a handle on intangibles is not always easy, but intellectual property laws seek to protect various kinds of creations of the human intellect. Although these laws also seek to include other types of rights, such as trade secrets, moral rights, publicity rights, and rights against unfair competition, intellectual property law primarily encompasses copyrights, patents, and trademarks. Because this field serves a wide number of individuals and groups, there are a number of trademark lawyers and intellectual property practices. Working with a group that is experienced in the your particular area can be a benefit.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the intellectual property law field and the impact that it has on the protection of individuals, as well as the economy of the nation:
- Although it continues to be an evolving field, the first patent law was actually used more than 228 years ago.
- Patents are strongly utilized across 12 industries, according to a recent survey.
- In the 12 industries where patents are successfully being used, 50% or more inventions that meet the criteria for becoming patented are being patented successfully.
- Most new patents have a term of around 20 years from the initial application filing date
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- The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) receives over 500,000 patent applications every year.
Finding a way to protect your ideas, products, and other inventions is an important part of making sure that you are as successful as possible.