It is Our Duty to Stop IRS Wage Garnishments

How to stop irs wage garnishment

Few moral imperatives are stronger than the need to stop irs wage garnishments. A perversion of the constitutional authority to tax, wage garnishments unfairly take property that belongs to the individual. While the IRS is large and has many resources, we can all stop IRS garnishment if we act together. All we have to do to stop IRS garnishment is to tell our leaders that taking property is unacceptable.

Before we can stop IRS garnishment, one must understand what wage garnishment is. Wage garnishment, in essence, is stealing. When someone owes back taxes, the IRS can require the employer to withhold a portion of every paycheck, and send that money back to the IRS. This arises from a misinterpretation of the 16th amendment, which the courts, despite their wisdom, are misguided in. While the 16th amendment authorizes a tax on incomes, it actually does not have language authorizing Congress to enforce it. Wage garnishment is a clear violation of the 4th amendment, which forbids unlawful searches and seizures.

Many people may wonder how can I stop wage garnishment. The answer on how to stop IRS garnishment is to let Congress know. There are many civil libertarians now in Congress, and they wish to stop IRS garnishment as well. Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, who is the son of a famous libertarian family, has advanced libertarian causes on Capitol Hill, and has gone farther than his father in many ways. Paul and a handful of other Congressmen would love to stop IRS garnishment.

Finally, let the IRS know what kind of pain they are affecting on you. Many are not inclined to stop IRS garnishment, as it is an impersonal policy with no consequences to IRS employees. In fact, a graphic description of the pain may not stop IRS garnishment. But a description could show IRS employees the human side to their actions.

Those who want to know how to stop IRS wage garnishment should engage in civil inquiry. For those who do want to stop IRS garnishment, write to both the IRS and to Congress. After all, everyone deserves his or her voice to be heard.

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