Law Terminology


Your Resource for Legal Terminology and Family Law


NYC Building Code Violations Lawyers

Someone caught for something as minor as a Class E felony can end up spending as much as 20 months in prison if they are ever found guilty in Nassau County. A Class E felony is a minor felony, such as being arrested for being…


Help with Tax Debt

Foreclosures, bankruptcies, and other debt problems are not the only financial issues that people may deal with in their lifetime. Nobody wants to owe the IRS money, but there are certain instances when people need financial and legal advice to deal with IRS tax problems.…

No One Has to Go Through Divorce Alone

No One Has to Go Through Divorce Alone

Dealing with affairs and divorce can lead to some extreme emotional states. This can make it difficult to do what needs to be done in terms of getting legally divorced. In this situation, you should work with a domestic relations mediator to work out what…


Why So Many People Need DUI Attorneys

Numerous people need Orange county dui attorneys. And an Orange County DUI lawyer is not always difficult to find. Because of the areas reputation for wild parties, Orange County DUI attorneys have become prolific. But Orange County DUI attorneys do not define the practice of…

Get Advice From Your Divorce Attorney Portland

Get Advice From Your Divorce Attorney Portland

Even in the best of cases, getting through a divorce is stressful. Depending on your situation, you’ll have a lot of questions. If you are worried about your finances, you’ll ask can you divorce for free? Or maybe common divorce terms are unfamiliar to you…

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