Keeping abreast of the law is tricky. Law evolves and changes over time and being able to understand how legislation has changed and what that means for potential and current clients is vital to the success of attorneys and court personnel. In such circumstances hiring law research firms can make a huge difference and ensure that you have access to state statutes and recent federal legislation. Such organizations offer services related to legislative history taxes, for example, and can often find obscure legal documentation to help clarify issues.
With over 1.2 million licensed lawyers in America in 2012 and more than 300 bills awaiting Senate action, the demand for legal research tools and services to aid law research is increasing. Of those bills passed to Congress, 33% are enacted within the first year of a session. At national level even our more than 200 year old Constitution is regularly updated with more than 27 amendments having been enacted. An amendment proposed through Congress must be ratified by 75% of all states for it to become law.
There are differences between states as well. For example work was done during 2015 to make changes to California’ much criticized initiatives process, so that if a quarter of all signatures needed to reach ballot are obtained, a hearing on the issue’s merits will be held by legislators. When it comes to construing state law, state courts look to legislative intent to make a decision. This refers to the conducting of an analysis of historical documents that were created when the statute in question was under consideration in either the state or Federal Legislature.
All of this means that legal research services can play a vital role in ensuring that justice is done and that clients receive adequate, informed representation regardless of the type of case being heard. It can be especially useful in cases where legislation is vague or unclear and where it is necessary to determine exactly what is meant by it. It can also help to identify drafting errors and pinpoint times when the legislation does not address the issues it is supposed to adequately enough. It can chart the evolution of legislative history taxes for example.