Dos and Dont’s For Traffic Court Appearances

Every year, there are approximately 34 million speeding tickets issued in the United States, which breaks down to 93,000 tickets issued every day (or 65 tickets per second!). In other words, traffic offenses are extremely common. That being said, this doesn’t mean you can afford to take a traffic ticket lightly. If you have been summoned to court to answer for traffic offenses, keeping the following dos and don’ts in mind can increase your chances of a favorable outcome.


  • Dress the Part: When you have to appear in court for any kind of offense, it’s important to dress appropriately. That means you should steer clear of sweatpants, t-shirts, jeans, and anything revealing. Err on the side of conservatism and show how serious you are about making a good first impression. If you look shoddy when you appear before a judge, your appearance really could impact your case in a negative way. Not putting the work into how you look when you come into court immediately shows those in power that you don’t care enough about this matter. As a result, you might do yourself a disservice.
  • Hire a Traffic Ticket Lawyer: Although a lot of drivers assume that they don’t need help from the most reputable traffic ticket attorney Colorado Springs has to provide, the reality is that most need all the help they can get. Even if you feel that the ticket offenses you face are rather simple and require no expert assistance, you may not realize you require help until it’s too late to obtain it. Rather than take a chance that could present an undue financial burden or put your ability to drive in jeopardy, it’s best to consult with a reputable lawyer beforehand to ensure you won’t become confused, overwhelmed, or do anything to negatively affect your chances in court.


  • Be Disrespectful: You should never do or say anything (either deliberately or accidentally) that could be misconstrued as disrespectful to anyone involved in court proceedings. You should always address the magistrate or judge with the title, “Your Honor,” and you should be civil and cooperative to everyone else in the vicinity. Keep in mind that even security officers and receptionists should be treated with the same level of respect you show the prosecutor; word can get around and your actions can sometimes impact the outcome of your case. In general, you should not come off as argumentative or unkind to anyone during your time in court — as tough as it may be to be in a good mood while you’re there.
  • Be Dishonest: When dealing with traffic offenses, you should resist your urge to stretch the truth in order to make yourself seem like the good guy. It’s certainly tempting, especially when we’re afraid of the negative consequences of our actions. But you must be truthful during your court appearance. Ultimately, you are never going to outsmart the judge and prosecutors; your lies will likely be extremely evident due to your nerves and being dishonest will only hurt you later on. Be straightforward and honest as best you can. This doesn’t mean you have to outright admit that you’re guilty of these traffic offenses, but it does mean you should be forthcoming when questioned.

Having to answer for traffic offenses can be nerve-racking. But if you obtain help from a professional, you’ll have a much greater chance of a better outcome. To learn more or to schedule a consultation with our team, please contact us today.

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