Law Terminology


Your Resource for Legal Terminology and Family Law


Legal Terminology Presents an Obstacle to Individuals Working through the Legal System

The different situations that could cause individuals to have to work through the legal system are virtually incalculable. While some are obviously more serious than others, the law terms used during the legal process are foreign to many, and can often times cause some confusion.…

Quick Tips for Selecting a Criminal Lawyer

Quick Tips for Selecting a Criminal Lawyer

In theory, every person has a right to a fair trial. In practical terms, however, legal representation is crucial for driving good outcomes. Criminal law attorneys can work with defendants to prove their innocence or to negotiate better terms. You might try to represent yourself,…


Garnishment Lawyers Can Help You Face A Difficult Financial Process

If you are in need of a garnishment lawyer, there are professionals that you can hire to assist you. If you have received a garnishment notice and do not know what you will do, hiring professionals is the right choice. When you work with a…


The Best Way to Speak Another Language is to Know What It Means First

Law terminology can often seem like a different language when hearing it for the first time. From the use of esquire, which designates a graduate of law school, to the term Jurisprudence, a term used to describe the study of the field of law in…


Hire A Divorce Lawyer

UPDATED 1/27/21 Getting a divorce is a long, emotional process. Dealing with marriage separation is hard enough before the courts get involved. You might wonder can you divorce for free? But you’re better off in the long run if you hire a divorce law firm…

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