What to Do if You’ve Been Falsely Accused of Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is actually the least reported violent crime, with only 28% of victims choosing to report their assault to law enforcement. However, that doesn’t mean charges are never filed. And in some cases, false reports can lead to drastic consequences for those who are accused. If you have been falsely accused of sexual assault, it’s essential to be proactive about your situation. Here are a few things you should do right away.

  • Take Your Case Seriously
    The U.S. criminal justice system is based on the premise that you are innocent until proven guilty. Unfortunately, the court of public opinion can be incredibly damaging in 2018. While there are countless women who should be believed by law enforcement and loved ones when they come forward to tell their stories, there are instances that may involve mistaken identity, misremembered events, or even acts of revenge. In this day and age, the general public may immediately side with the accuser, rather than with the accused. Although you will certainly get your day in court, you shouldn’t put blind faith in our system. Just because you know you’re innocent doesn’t mean you can afford to be nonchalant about your situation. It’s vital that you educate yourself and prepare appropriately, rather than hoping that these accusations will simply go away.
  • Remain Silent
    Any sexual assault lawyer will tell you that if and when you are arrested, you should invoke your right to remain silent until they arrive. Doing so can ensure your rights are protected and that you don’t say anything that could be used against you later. When you’re facing charges like these, you should make it a rule to remain entirely silent about your case. You can, of course, trust your sexual assault attorneys and should be completely up front with them. But refrain from talking about your case to others, even if you think you can trust them. Don’t post anything that even alludes to your case on social media, either. Remember that if you say nothing, the prosecution will have much less to use against you in trial.
  • Hire a Sexual Assault Attorney
    If you are facing sexual assault charges, you should not try to represent yourself. This area of law is extremely complex and the consequences you’ll face are incredibly serious. Even if you feel that your innocence will prevail, your sexual assault attorney can make certain your rights are protected, that you refrain from self-incrimination, and that your case is airtight. Don’t assume that only guilty people hire lawyers. It’s the smartest thing you can do to safeguard your future.

If you or someone you know has been accused of sexual assault, hiring an attorney is an important first step. To learn more, please contact us today.

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