Are You Searching for Help After a Car Accident Injury?

Birth injury attorney huntington wv

Hours after the event you were still trying to settle down. To say that you and your teenage son had a scare tonight would be an understatement1
Your car suffered some significant damage and you are not totally sure of you or your son’s injuries yet, but you are relieved that you are not hurt worse after being run off the road during a high speed chase by the care the police were pursuing. At one point during the scary event, a direct hit was so close that you announced to your son, “Hold on! We’re getting hit!”
You knew that high speed chases happened in your city, but they typically do not happen in your part of town. And while you had heard of stop sticks before, your understanding was if they were successfully deployed by the police officer, the fleeing car would have been stopped. As you wait for some of the medical test results, you have already decided that you are going to make it a priority to contact a personal injury lawyer immediately. Although your teenage son was impressed with your “mad defensive driving skills,” you know that it was more luck than anything that kept you from worse damage to yourselves and your car, while the police continued pursuing a chase at a high rate of speed near your neighborhood.
Are You Looking for a Legal Representative After Suffering a Car Accident Injury?
Whether you have been a victim of a car accident or you are looking for resources to recover after an injury at work, finding the right legal advice is often the only option. Although many accident victims may begin thinking they can find their own solutions, it is important to make sure that you understand all of the options that might be available. Consider some of these facts and figures about the various reasons that a person might be looking for the help of a personal injury lawyer:

  • Fatal transportation injuries in the year 2013 accounted for 40% fatal work injuries.
  • $242 billion was the economic cost of car accidents in the U.S. in the year 2010.
  • 66% of fatal crashes are caused by aggressive driving, according to statistics from the NHTSA and Auto Vantage auto club.
  • The total property damage costs from car accidents in the year 2010was $76.1 billion, a number that represented 31% of all economic costs in the country.

Although you know that your teenage son thinks that you are a great defensive driver after last night’s events, you remember those high school driver’s education classes where you ran over all of the cones on the practice driving course. You hope that your son recovers not only from the physical injuries that he suffered, as well as the mental image of his mother driving the car off the road in an effort to avoid a head on collision.
From birth trauma attorneys to car accident lawyers, it is often beneficial to have a knowledgeable legal representative like a personal injury lawyer on your side.

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